Friday, 30 October 2015

How to Spot A Liar Effectively

How to Spot A Liar Effectively

Liars, liars everywhere. But then you have to admit that you too have lied sometimes, if not many times. Knowing that someone is lying to you might not be as annoying as finding out a little bit later that you have been...
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Thursday, 29 October 2015

Laugh Till You Die: How Laughter Can Kill You

Laugh Till You Die: How Laughter Can Kill You

Charlie Chaplin said that a day without laughter was a day wasted. That is absolutely true. But recent studies have also suggested that laughing too hard can possibly kill you, literally, in spite of the fact that...
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A Cup of Coffee for A Long and Healthy Life

A Cup of Coffee for A Long and Healthy Life

We might have never realized that having a cup or even several cups of coffee a day may do more than just to wake us up in the morning. Well, in fact, coffee could be part in a longer and healty life as the substances...
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Wednesday, 28 October 2015

The End of The Great Wall of China and 14 Fun Facts

The End of The Great Wall of China and 14 Fun Facts

The thousands-year-old UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Great Wall of China becomes extremely famous due to its being a historical gigantic structure and one of the oldest and the longest structures ever constructed...
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Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Australia The Origin of Komodo Dragons

Australia The Origin of Komodo Dragons

“I shouted and he came to help me but he didn’t like to come up because the dragon was still moving around,” Maen explains. “Then he saw the blood on the floor and he got everyone from the kitchen. All the people come...
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Monday, 26 October 2015

10 Tips for Safe Online Charity Donation

10 Tips for Safe Online Charity Donation

Charities and voluntary organisations are invaluable to society as they help people in the greatest need, and they rely on donations to carry out their work. Nowadays, giving donation to charities can be very effective...
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Sunday, 25 October 2015

20 Natural Toothache Remedies

20 Natural Toothache Remedies

Having toothache all night long might be worse than being ignored by Mr. or Ms. Right, not to mention you have to say good bye to your favourite foods, loud musics, TV programs, outdoor sports, or such. But, have you...
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Saturday, 24 October 2015

Borobudur, The World’s Largest Buddhist Temple Buried for Centuries

Borobudur, The World’s Largest Buddhist Temple Buried for Centuries

Some of us must have heard about Borobudur Temple while the others may have already visited it. This grand and majestic holy site of Buddhism is located in Central Java, Indonesia, and was built by Sailendra dynasty...
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